Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Best A/v Receiver Value

Let's talk about: the characters of "The Vampire Diaries"

found Ben and welcome back to all the CittyBlog tuttissimi.

Even today the main topic that will always show that airs in America on the CW television network , here in Italy aired on A Italy. Yes well, cheers. At last the first season of " The Vampire Diaries "has landed in the land of pizza and pasta ( to me is getting hungry just ..), oh that" finally "is a little ironic .. The dubbing was pretty bad .. Ok, I admit. I only listened to half a minute the players with Italian voices and wanted suicidami .. Come on, let's face it .. Follow the show with the original voices (original voices and ..) is another story .. With their voices dubbed me killed vamp-brothers Salvatore , Eleeeena & company. But I do not text, I hate listening to the show dubbed and language .. The beauty of the show is just that, the different voices of real actors. Not Stefano Crescentini I interpret Stefffan . Holy shit, it will go well for Edward Cullen Paul Wesley but loses its charm in Italian, although there are still figaccione .. How to lose much of its charm Damon .. Let's face it all together: Ian Somerhalder ( besides being a cool grand, I believe that no one can disagree on this fact ) has a very nice voice! As he says certain phrases, jokes, ironic tone .. I'm sorry to be good despite ( believe, I have not listened to a lot. .) Niseem Onorato ( soon as I finish figure out what the hell 'is the name I'll let you know ) can not match Mr. Somerhalder . All this to say to me that the show dubbed into Italian is not what makes those in the original language ( especially after a person is used to follow him in language, and finds it painfully translated into Italian ).

So yes, we begin And let more and more talk. Yesterday I expressed my opinion about the extended promo useless the fourteenth episode of the second season of "The Vampire Diaries "But perhaps maybe you have wondered who these characters appeared in the promo? For those who follow the show, already knows them all, for those who do not follow it. Then do a quick overview of my presentation with brief, personal comment.

Today I propose the first, second, that if not tomorrow is long and endless as "War and Peace .

Let's start? Yes, go!

Elena Gilbert - better known as Eleeeena . She is the beloved classic, nice and sweet girl to Mystic Falls, the protagonist of the whole story, is in love with Stefffan ( despite their tug of war described in the previous post ), is human and loved by all. All they want, all seek it, blessed her! It 'been with Matt Donovan ( him speak tomorrow ) before the first season, now with Stefffan but vamp-brother of Stefffan , Damon it is also in love with him. Why she did and not us? Italian make us poor human even hard to find a boy, at best, and not as cool as those two. Why?! Come on, we do that we had recent suicidal Eleeena and spend all day at home - or better villa - Salvatore, rising like a bee flitting from flower to flower by one brother to another. Or not? In short, at most we divide them. Humor and impossible things aside, we finally Eleeena we like at least a little ', despite his bad ideas or phrases such at the wrong time, we like because otherwise we would not have anyone to insult pretty or as good. It 'a wonderful played by Nina Dobrev , really beautiful.

Stefan Salvatore - better known as Stefffan . So yes, he has my total devotion. Physical impressive voice so sexy, I like and I like it too much, if he had not understood .. It 'a vampire, but a good vampire .. Eat squirrels and rabbits in the woods and recently started to do even snack on human blood .. So why not just drink human blood? Just because it then turns into a bloodthirsty monster, he initially was the wicked brother, but then became good one, has decided to convert to conigliesimo and tear only small animals in the woods. In short, we like his side dark & \u200b\u200btwisty (cited duty to Grey's Anatomy. Even if he's so fucking hot only "dark" ) that was in the last episodes .. Even when he was chained and hung like a sausage and they were all naked, tortured: so sexy. E 'boyfriend Eleeena and soon the world will reveal how the heck do you stand it. Mystery . It 'a very, very beautifully played by Paul Wesley .

Damon Salvatore - better known as BadSexyVampBoy . Apparently the beautiful shipwreck of "Lost " like playing dead people, or in this case, death-but- lives. Damon is a good vampire, his eyes fabulous, fun, sensual voice, very dangerous, which has a particular inclination to kill people who come by car, especially women, but above all .. He suffered for love. It still suffers. Yes, suffering, despair, cries and kills. Recently he returned to kill people just because he likes and he missed it. There is something fundamental has changed to say long after his arrival and return journey to Mystic Falls : he knows the emotions. And it is good. It 'also good, and above all look good, because let's face it, we like to run when the house half naked and dancing on the notes when the cover of "Enjoy The Silence " killing Vicky and turning it into a vampire herself. Ultimately makes even the bathrooms bathtubs .. Who would not want to be there? I, but rather because his brother. E 'starring a magnificent and very beautiful Ian Somerhalder.

Katherine Pierce Katerina Petrova aka - better known as SelfishBitch . So I love it. Lately is locked in the vault but the young lady has spent a lifetime running away, and above all he found time to have his Savior when both brothers were still human .. And above all made them fall in love with both, but in the end she was in love. Then she returned to Mystic Falls , lemons BadSexyVampBoy on the porch of the house pretending Gilbert Eleeeena and then revealed for what it really is amputating a finger to Uncle-Dad John Gilbert . In short, it's bad, very bitch, beautiful, manipulative, she has suffered in his life, and seeks to always get what he wants. We love her very very well. Uh, I forgot one thing .. It 's the exact double of flattened Eleeena only version SexyVamp without suicidal attitudes. It 'a wonderful played by Nina Dobrev who can masterfully play two totally different roles in one show: Eleeena and SelfishBitch seem really two different people and I'm really so fucking hot!

Ok, after this succession of four people say enough.

Kick-start the insults or just your thoughts and tell me what you think about.
The next post will come tomorrow .. Know that all the other characters are ready, but I'm a forgiving person that does not smash your balls with one long update.

A hug.
your , Citty.


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