Citty will update .. (Traveling).
Yes. I am alive, there is still and went back to smash the balls with my (useless) post.
you upgrade a bit '.. Yes, I know that maybe you were expecting a nice post entitled "Let's talk about: The Vampire Diaries 2x15 The Dinner Party "or better yet a good" Let's talk about: The Vampire Diaries Promo 2x16 "No. .. but I could not write last night because strong headache .. So I apologize .. but soon will be online soon .. Type Monday. Yes, I think it will be online Monday to the delight of all of you .. But since I like to break .. I'm always here.
In this moment I have with my friend Chiara (the holy tuna with t tortello me forever to bear) by train. Directorate Florence. For a weekend I decided to relax (as much as possible, eh, as I have with me the book of medical pathology, but are details), to make fun of tourists and a bit '.
is a bad person, I know, but it is the first time in my twenty two years of life I go to Florence. I have with me my trusty camera (which sooner or later give a name) to make millions of photos .. It promises a beautiful day, the sun is shining in the sky and I look forward to turistiggiare in that beautiful city and do many many pictures. Post
quick and painless, very little full of digressions.
I'm getting almost as good, mh!?
said that I get to enjoy the trip .. Departure from Milan Central 7:05, estimated time of arrival in Florence Campo di Marte to the 11.
Have a wonderful weekend. Have fun, make you laugh until the tears come, drawings, photographs, painting, kissing, embrace, read a story, sing a song under the shower, making love and enjoy the weekend.
A kiss.
your Citty.
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