Prodi-Zapatero, a summit in Naples
Italian-English summit Wednesday at the Royal Palace
The day after the inauguration of the structure designed by Piano
Thursday the prime minister to "Volcano good" Romano ProdiNAPOLI - Two days to breathe a little 'air of Europe: Naples we (re) test and is ready once again to bear the inconvenience that this will bring in terms of mobility. The events are a showcase Wednesday, the Italian-English summit with Prodi and Zapatero (with blocking traffic on a Cesario Console and prohibition of parking in the area of \u200b\u200bBorgo Marinari and Castel dell 'Ovo); Nola Thursday to the inauguration of Renzo Piano's Vulcano Buono that someone with a bit of emphasis is not misplaced, has already dubbed the Italian Beaubourg. For the beauty of its architecture but also for expressing the grandeur. After discussion, the Royal Palace, the jewel in the crown of the English miracle, the tenant will retain the Palazzo Chigi in Naples for not Miss the great center of Nola to complete the project has already taken off with the CIS - 320 companies specializing nell'ingrosso - and Freight, which has taken a leading role in logistics. By connecting all the ports of Naples and Southern Italy, on the railway, with Europe and the new frontier of China where Cis has been reproduced as an ideal model.
The project of "Volcano good": from left, Gravagnuolo, Punzo, Cascetta, Piano and BassolinoFacendo a miracle Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, who congratulated the chairman Gianni Punzo and its extremely well together, "team". In these hours in the big yard working feverishly to the last preparations. The walls of the volcano were covered by a green carpet and the effect is striking. The image of the "murderous Vesuvius" has softened and the visitor reaching into this city to do is hit by the attention to detail. Everything is already working to perfection and when life begins to throb there will be no surprises. The crater is been transformed into a beautiful square that is in contrast to that of the Plebiscite, and outlines the new boundaries of the capital city - is highly suggestive that the new settlement with the conurbation Neapolitan 'stretch' of virtually other 14 km as the crow flies and that, consequently, between Naples and Nola distance reduced to only three miles - which is destined to become in a few months of service centers in Europe's most important and certainly the largest in Italy.
The record-breaking numbers are: 450,000 square meters, of which nearly 150,000 seats, 80 speakers to handle the flow of orders in the retail outlets of Auchan (the giant holding a minority 45%). And then a shopping arcade with 160 brands and 8000 seats in various parks of the new city. Although estimates of turnout are a measure of the giant figures outline: 15 million visitors a year, 8000 families directly implanted in the body of the new town Nolan. The mayor of Nola, Felice Napolitano conmfessa to have changed his mind in c bear. "At first between me and the Knight Punzo was not blown love - he says - but now realize that Nolan ilo" awakening "began, although it is desirable that the impact on the area is more diffuco and involve young people in particular '. There is concern, in short, that the 'giant' think only of the facts and its reserves for local mle only crumbs; it is the Council's regional Pasquale Sommese and they also think the young people who want a more factual input that enhances the cultural resources of Nola and the cloister of neighboring countries.
few hints of land reclamation, however, beginning to emerge. Yesterday, for example, was presented the project to upgrade the railway station in Nola that will be implemented under the project Centostazioni and cover the passenger building and the former goods yard. But the demands are beyond: they concern the need to improve ties with the high-speed train and a restyling of the ancient road that joins the new town to the old one. "If we can hold the city 20% Visitors to the Volcano good, says the mayor, Nola will finally stand up. " It is possible, because nasta work done.
The project of "Volcano good": from left, Gravagnuolo, Punzo, Cascetta, Piano and BassolinoFacendo a miracle Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, who congratulated the chairman Gianni Punzo and its extremely well together, "team". In these hours in the big yard working feverishly to the last preparations. The walls of the volcano were covered by a green carpet and the effect is striking. The image of the "murderous Vesuvius" has softened and the visitor reaching into this city to do is hit by the attention to detail. Everything is already working to perfection and when life begins to throb there will be no surprises. The crater is been transformed into a beautiful square that is in contrast to that of the Plebiscite, and outlines the new boundaries of the capital city - is highly suggestive that the new settlement with the conurbation Neapolitan 'stretch' of virtually other 14 km as the crow flies and that, consequently, between Naples and Nola distance reduced to only three miles - which is destined to become in a few months of service centers in Europe's most important and certainly the largest in Italy.
The record-breaking numbers are: 450,000 square meters, of which nearly 150,000 seats, 80 speakers to handle the flow of orders in the retail outlets of Auchan (the giant holding a minority 45%). And then a shopping arcade with 160 brands and 8000 seats in various parks of the new city. Although estimates of turnout are a measure of the giant figures outline: 15 million visitors a year, 8000 families directly implanted in the body of the new town Nolan. The mayor of Nola, Felice Napolitano conmfessa to have changed his mind in c bear. "At first between me and the Knight Punzo was not blown love - he says - but now realize that Nolan ilo" awakening "began, although it is desirable that the impact on the area is more diffuco and involve young people in particular '. There is concern, in short, that the 'giant' think only of the facts and its reserves for local mle only crumbs; it is the Council's regional Pasquale Sommese and they also think the young people who want a more factual input that enhances the cultural resources of Nola and the cloister of neighboring countries.
few hints of land reclamation, however, beginning to emerge. Yesterday, for example, was presented the project to upgrade the railway station in Nola that will be implemented under the project Centostazioni and cover the passenger building and the former goods yard. But the demands are beyond: they concern the need to improve ties with the high-speed train and a restyling of the ancient road that joins the new town to the old one. "If we can hold the city 20% Visitors to the Volcano good, says the mayor, Nola will finally stand up. " It is possible, because nasta work done.
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