Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Craigslist Chicago Knives

Survey of retail banking in Europe (Gianni Pittella - rapporteur for the European Parliament)

(See also ) http://mailingassociazione.googlegroups.com/web/IP-07-596_IT% 5B1% 5D.pdf? Gda

The final report survey conducted by the Commission europeasulla competition in retail banking, published January 31, 2007 - highlights a number of reasons dipreoccupazione regarding competition in dellecarte payment, payment systems and banking products aldettaglio. The Commission may use the powers available to it, inbase competition rules to address serious abuses, working closely with national authorities allaconcorrenza.Queste responsible for the main problems identified by the survey ofthe Commission European Union: In some Member States, the combination of high redditivitàcostante of high market concentration and barriers to entry provedell'esistenza raises concerns about banks lacapacità to influence the level of prices for iconsumatori and small businesses - some credit registers, which contain confidential information that iprestatori use to set loan rates, may essereutilizzati to exclude new entrants from the banking markets aldettaglio - some aspects of cooperation between banks, including cassedi savings and cooperative banks, can reduce competition escoraggiare inputs on the market - the products bound, are a very common practice in most Member States. This could reduce the choice deiclienti and increase banks 'power to influence the market prezzisul - obstacles to customer mobility in banking - inparticular the inconvenience of changing current account - are elevati.L' analysis suggests that margins gain of banchesono lower when customers are more mobili.Tocca now speak to the European Parliament on the results and give an indication of questaindagine policy actions daintraprendere account .* * * mobility score card payment systems and general creditoIn it should be noted that the ratio of CommissioneEuropea has many gaps in the methodological temadi comparative analysis of economic conditions on observed conticorrenti.Con particular reference to current accounts, it should be noted that the European Commission neldocumento are detected bancariper individual consumer revenues, which are influenced to an extent and quantity of services rilevantedalle funding provided. Given thimbles considerations, an analysis of the competitive level, formulatasulla basis of these data relating to revenues from retail (andnot on the final costs for the customer) in various countries, may induce aconclusioni that do not reflect the real situation because of mercatinazionali differences in terms of markets and models dellastruttura behavioral score. Èquindi required a comparative analysis using criteria meglioriconoscibili (the profiles using one account, the remunerazionedelle stocks in the current account, the co-header c / c, the lapresenza multibancarizzazione, taxation). The problem that exists in many European countries concerning the prezzielevati in offering banking services. (According to the investigation, there are high costipiù in Italy and Luxembourg in ilmantenimento account in the first case and close the account nelsecondo. In its final report the average costs of maintaining a Contoso € 90 in Italy against 40 of the Germany, but sottolineasempre the report, "in Italy and Germany, the annual fee comprendeun package of free services. "In Luxembourg, however, for an account lachiusura are required on average € 100). It is, in particular, the fees requested by bancheper maintaining current accounts and the use of the services now connected, and the fees required for chiusuradei accounts or transfer services to another bank. Inline generally high prices in the supply of a product or unservizio signal the presence of weak competitive pressures nelmercato, to the detriment of consumers. In the case of banking, trust ilcarattere which characterizes the relationship bank customer puòindebolire thrust that consumers can make to action and increases the competitive deimeccanismi delleimprese market power, resulting in lower prices elevati.Mobilità: The most common types of obstacles to mobility are icosti monetary input and output, the time of entry or uscitalunghi and / or uncertain, the costs due to links between banking and / ofinanziari, the degree of transparency mercato.Nel my report will make a series of proposals to facilitate iconsumatori and trigger the necessary competitive pressure. It should, in fact, greater transparency, through measures which facilitate the lacomparazione c / c, and the reduction of barriers to mobility. Inparticular would be useful to include: 1) the preparation of information sheets with a synthetic chiaraindicazione costs even in a single cost item, 2) the introduction a guarantee of stability, at least for a arcotemporale minimum allocation of costs of keeping and handling of the c / c, 3) full comparability of the costs as required by the singoloconsumatore through the development of information sources, indipendentidal banking system, with the construction of search engines, 4) the annual summary information to the account of spesaeffettivamente incurred in account management, 5) an indication of its change from previous year; 6) identification of modalities to ensure the maintenance of the serviziconnessi c / c for the time necessary to complete the transfer, to avoid duplication of cost to the depositor, 7) defining a time period for implementation delleoperazioni transfer c / c, 8) the elimination of all constraints, contractual, or in fact, nonnecessari between accounts and other services and the development of mechanisms checonsentano accounts portable corrente.Ma issues relating to transparency go also affrontatein terms of harmonization and simplification of rules dellestesse with the objective of avoiding information overload alClient. This whole process must be accompanied by iniziativeautoregolamentari designed to benefit consumers through lacreazione procedures to facilitate the comparison on the one hand, while boosting deiservizi switching (eg guides sullamobilità, partnerships with governments and local authorities to dimigliorare the financial literacy of consumers). With regard to payment systems in my relationship cercheròdi noted that many of the difficulties individuatedall'indagine sector will be remedied by the introduction delladirettiva SEPA (Single European Payment Area) is a few months ago stataapprovata and will enter a regime in 2010. For retidelle payment cards, SEPA offers the potential persopprimere many restrictive rules put in evidenzadall'indagine. The SEPA for payment cards dovrebbeoffrire resellers a greater choice of providers deiservizi acquisition, greater competition in this concentrated mercatomolto. The implementation will enable aicittadini benefit payment services more competitive edefficienti. As for the so-called interchange fees, lecommissioni interchange, the Commission's position that nechiede the total cancellation, as a sort of "tax aidanni merchant" I think eccessiva.La interchange fee guarantee, in fact, the development and efficiency of the instrument payment. In the absence ofthe Commission interbank addition, there is a risk that the bancaemittente to recover its costs, apply a commission altitolare card for each payment or innalzisostanzialmente the annual card fee. In so doing, verrebbetuttavia encouraged the use of cash by the holder against dellacarta of electronic devices more efficient. Just pointing out that the pearl MIF (multilateral interchange fee) being nellosviluppo of an efficient market for payment services, riteniamoche, faced with many important decisions, often between lorocontrastanti, made by national antitrust authorities and quellacomunitaria, it is necessary to achieve a certezzadel right situation. To this end, it would be useful to recommend to Commissionel'emanazione of guidelines that the market can take nelladefinizione of such agreements so that they can be held nonrestrittivi or otherwise exempted. It 'would also be desirable, nelladefinizione measures outlined here, the authorities antitrustattivino a consultation process, similar to what is now already in use in all European regulatory procedures, to ensure that lametodologia MIF calculation, has hitherto been applied in diversecircostanze with sometimes very different ways, vengadefinita in the Union and finally to the same unachiara become uniform at European level . A voltadefinita the calculation methodology, it should be applied uniformly to all sub pages payment circuits, be they domestic or international Pan-European (in this case, of course, in the context of intra-European). A similar soluzionefarebbe ensure that, for the same instrument, each circuit would unapropria mif whose level is determined by the efficiency delcircuito, thus creating a competition among the circuits themselves Epone the foundation for the success of the most efficiente.La situation dell'ItaliaDiversi studies, but on all the survey concluded Antitrust italianaaperta 18 January 2006 and completed a year later, Chein Italy confirmed the average cost of keeping and handling of the account to Current very high compared to other major EU countries. Spending totaleannua average (weighted) system detected in Italy amounted to € circa182 year, against a European figure much lower (in the Netherlands Emen of 35 €, Belgium and the UK less than 65, less than 99 in France, inSpagna about 108). These results confirm that the competitive process in our maggioredebolezza bancariorispetto sector to other countries and the lack of incentives for the development of Unreal game competitive. It is not, in fact, the large number deglioperatori conducted to ensure active aggressive as comeOlanda countries and Belgium have the lowest number of banking groups active maanche the lowest level of average expenditure account corrente.Il central problem is the barriers to mobility deiconsumatori: The obstacles of various kinds, which affect siaal time of initial choice when you want cambiarebanca.Anche the governor of Bank of Italy, Draghi, during giornatamondiale savings in his speech said that the Bancad'Italia, exercising their powers relating to products trasparenzadei bank, has just concluded a sample survey suicosti current accounts. The survey covered about 4,500 contitenuti at more than 130 banks, with a distribution of choice in mododa ensure its representativeness. For more than 70 percent of sitratta accounts for individuals. Based on primeelaborazioni, the average annual expenditure for a current account is now equal € A130. Spending, while low on average compared to similedel 2005 survey, carried out with somewhat different criteria and objectives, is moltovariabile, partly due to the different characteristics of operation: 25 percent of accounts with the lowest number of transactions in annuecosta average of 70 €, compared to 218, with 25 percent of the maggiornumero operations. You can however make some primaosservazione. The customer has partly shifted to the accounts apacchetto, less expensive for most of the profiles of those "aconsumo" where charges depend on the number of operazionieffettuate. However, the type chosen by the customer is not semprela cheaper in relation to the characteristics of the account: nonmancano examples of accounts "consumption" operativitàe therefore characterized by high costs in Italy is very elevati.Vi the need for real transparency to allow aiconsumatori the best choices, along with the elimination of all gliostacoli to transfer from one bank to another. The type of information can be the mechanism of information is such that the hadifficoltà to select the account, during the "initial" award of delcontratto current account, the most economical. The "difficulty" discelta is proved by the variability of prices: the current account also puòspendere 6, in some cases over 10 times more for lostesso use c / c according to the bank and the account selezionatoAlcuni important strides have been made. I am thinking of financial allosviluppo Initiative (Patti clear) masoprattutto reset costs of closing accounts, thanks to the Bersani Decree 2006.È to be hoped that the provision of portability of mortgages dauna bank to another at no cost is effective date and pienaattuazione. The Banks must continue to improve informazionefornita to customers. Transparency of conditions, frabanche competition, customer focus, awareness of quest'ultimacontribuiscono cost reduction, can and should stimolareulteriori progressi.Riguardo the need for greater transparency in Italy dall'indaginecondotta AGCM shows that 66.6% of sheets nonindica conditions on the subsidies, 31.9% condizionidel the ATM (annual fee and issue costs), 67.8% of foglinon shows the costs of withdrawal from ATMs of banks other than that ofthe membership, 57% does not indicate the conditions for credit cartadi, 46.3% does not include conditions relating to the management / issue allowances, 32.4% higher than on the conditions delladomiciliazione or payment of utility bills.

Calendar of parliamentary

January 29, 2008 (ECON) presentation of the report

February 26, 2008 (ECON) discussion of the amendments

March 25, 2008 (ECON) vote of the relationship in Econ

May 2008 vote in Strasbourg

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

When Cough Taste Like Blood

Prodi, Zapatero

Prodi-Zapatero, a summit in Naples
Italian-English summit Wednesday at the Royal Palace
The day after the inauguration of the structure designed by Piano
Thursday the prime minister to "Volcano good"
Romano ProdiNAPOLI - Two days to breathe a little 'air of Europe: Naples we (re) test and is ready once again to bear the inconvenience that this will bring in terms of mobility. The events are a showcase Wednesday, the Italian-English summit with Prodi and Zapatero (with blocking traffic on a Cesario Console and prohibition of parking in the area of \u200b\u200bBorgo Marinari and Castel dell 'Ovo); Nola Thursday to the inauguration of Renzo Piano's Vulcano Buono that someone with a bit of emphasis is not misplaced, has already dubbed the Italian Beaubourg. For the beauty of its architecture but also for expressing the grandeur. After discussion, the Royal Palace, the jewel in the crown of the English miracle, the tenant will retain the Palazzo Chigi in Naples for not Miss the great center of Nola to complete the project has already taken off with the CIS - 320 companies specializing nell'ingrosso - and Freight, which has taken a leading role in logistics. By connecting all the ports of Naples and Southern Italy, on the railway, with Europe and the new frontier of China where Cis has been reproduced as an ideal model.
The project of "Volcano good": from left, Gravagnuolo, Punzo, Cascetta, Piano and BassolinoFacendo a miracle Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, who congratulated the chairman Gianni Punzo and its extremely well together, "team". In these hours in the big yard working feverishly to the last preparations. The walls of the volcano were covered by a green carpet and the effect is striking. The image of the "murderous Vesuvius" has softened and the visitor reaching into this city to do is hit by the attention to detail. Everything is already working to perfection and when life begins to throb there will be no surprises. The crater is been transformed into a beautiful square that is in contrast to that of the Plebiscite, and outlines the new boundaries of the capital city - is highly suggestive that the new settlement with the conurbation Neapolitan 'stretch' of virtually other 14 km as the crow flies and that, consequently, between Naples and Nola distance reduced to only three miles - which is destined to become in a few months of service centers in Europe's most important and certainly the largest in Italy.
The record-breaking numbers are: 450,000 square meters, of which nearly 150,000 seats, 80 speakers to handle the flow of orders in the retail outlets of Auchan (the giant holding a minority 45%). And then a shopping arcade with 160 brands and 8000 seats in various parks of the new city. Although estimates of turnout are a measure of the giant figures outline: 15 million visitors a year, 8000 families directly implanted in the body of the new town Nolan. The mayor of Nola, Felice Napolitano conmfessa to have changed his mind in c bear. "At first between me and the Knight Punzo was not blown love - he says - but now realize that Nolan ilo" awakening "began, although it is desirable that the impact on the area is more diffuco and involve young people in particular '. There is concern, in short, that the 'giant' think only of the facts and its reserves for local mle only crumbs; it is the Council's regional Pasquale Sommese and they also think the young people who want a more factual input that enhances the cultural resources of Nola and the cloister of neighboring countries.
few hints of land reclamation, however, beginning to emerge. Yesterday, for example, was presented the project to upgrade the railway station in Nola that will be implemented under the project Centostazioni and cover the passenger building and the former goods yard. But the demands are beyond: they concern the need to improve ties with the high-speed train and a restyling of the ancient road that joins the new town to the old one. "If we can hold the city 20% Visitors to the Volcano good, says the mayor, Nola will finally stand up. " It is possible, because nasta work done.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

How Long Before To Take Dramamine

Christmas in Naples (click here Download the Schedule of Events)

Napul'è m the the culure

include cribs and gospel songs, games and monuments of water dressed in light, Christmas this year under Vesuvius is particularly striking. The city of many layers of old architecture will be the stage of the magical Christmas atmosphere, creativity, love for art and music will find their best expression in the many initiatives organized during the holiday season. Beautiful live nativity that will be the counterpart to those of our traditional crafts, many concerts and gospel songs in the monumental churches, markets, precious jewelry from more traditional ones scattered throughout the city, the entertainment shows for children, and finally the great and spectacular New Year's concert in Piazza Plebiscito. Christmas in Naples 2007 is simply this: the unparalleled atmosphere of a unique city.