Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Is It Alright To Drink Milk With Tonsillitis

When choosing a home, usually raises the age-old question: independently or in a condominium?
Personally the idea of \u200b\u200bthe detached house has always scared me more than a little: phobic as I am on various home intruders, as well as ghosts, werewolves, zombies and serial killers, when it came time to leave the parental nest I opted without hesitation for a multi-crowded apartment building.

Indeed zombie even if they are not seen ... but after almost 4 years I discovered that perhaps the army of condominiums may be more respectful of the most terrifying horror crowd of creatures.

Yes, because in a crowded apartment building in a relatively restricted airspace, a jumble of personalities, often manic, psychotic and neurotic, that sooner or later will be knocking on your door ...

What about the maniac on the second floor, the intolerance of noise and nuisance home? This bizarre creature, who has memorized the whole regulation condominale, has made the defense of silence on his banner and existential, as the most zealous crusader, defending a sword quiet Sunday. So, when Sunday (which is the only day that works for you, where you can devote to your activities at home) finally decides it's time to hang the picture that lies next to the couch for months, and settles the first delicate hammered on the wall, with the speed of a road-runner here's the inhabitant of the second floor (and you are in seventh) present in a robe-rolling pin-curlers-socks to protect the peace of his ears. Queusta its activity usually lasts all day: it travels by foot all the floors, front and back, to catch in the act any victim who dares to put a cd in stereo, give a pass or turn on a vacuum centrifuge washing machine!

We do not want to mention the compulsive Monthly assemblies? And 'the eternal frustration, what is likely to be harassed at work in every situation, and that feels powerful and effective only within his house. It 'used to play on your door, weighed down by pounds of paperwork to make you sign, verbal, to recommend to the lawyer, the administrator, the company elevator. Alterna stages of aggressive (with the tenant on the third floor, which does not plant flowers to match the plaster of the building) to proactive and creative moments (assuming garage gates controlled by voice or readable, elevators and dematerialization teleportation device) looking to leverage on your false sense of adequacy and solidarity (and usually tell you that all the other blocks have already signed, and only missing you!)

other side of the fence there is the irreducible peasant: for this person, who suffers from a distorted vision of the common coexistence, self-restraint of his impulses is a concept unknown and insignificant. And 'he who keeps you awake until 4 in the morning with the Grand Prix Formula 1 shot at a volume so high that it almost seems to be the second driver Rubens Barrichello. And it's always him, just as you exit the door with your brand new taiileur purchased specifically for your important business meeting, you down on the crumbs of his previous evening from the balcony, sending you to your meeting with pieces of crusty bread nell'acconciatura.

It can also be an apprentice musician, the teen ager prey to the hormonal storm that it considers to be a real rocker is the only way to win a bang before the legal age: with a tireless determination provides an overview of all the musical instruments that humankind knows, strafalciandoti ears with hours and hours of exercises from beginner ...

you say, hopefully: "Sooner or later he will learn, and eventually produce a sound even remotely be classified as pleasant"

But no, why not just learn to strum his first decent song with electric guitar, Steve Vai can decide that now make him a saw, and switch to another tool: the player piano!!

So, I tell you, it is not worth the risk that a decomposing zombie swivel for your garden, a serial killer who has decided that you will be his 14th victim, a petty thief who wants to fuck the hypothetical ' silversmiths home, rather than condemn you to a certain martyrdom of human normal and officially assured that, no doubt, sooner or later will break you in the balls? ... there are always the Doberman, right?


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