anti-smoking law, when in Spain? Kendo The day before yesterday in a English news service "tv1" report illnesses caused by tobacco use with their consumption in the bar announcing the results of a new study done in Spain (if I remember correctly in Zaragoza)
Although some years ago filed to limit the use of smoke inside the bar, the law turned out to be a joke because the only bar with a size greater than a certain limit are forced to split up between smokers and nonsmokers. In conclusion
in every bar you can smoke and I always print a smile on his face when the door of the bar read the classic cartel "Segun xxx-yyy where the ley que en este establecimiento declares se puede fumar" or the exact Contrary to what one would expect.
Under the new directive of the European Community in 2010 all its members shall prohibit smoking in public places, and then also in the bar. In Spain, however, I think people do not yet have "somatization" thing. It makes me smile that the government, in my opinion, is trying to raise awareness with
new studies on the diseases caused by smoking as the number of studies and information that are already in the world.