not pass often to stay with friends at the coffee house's, well the typical atmosphere of a "4 friends at the bar" E 'even more' strange to be here writing with my friend's laptop with an American Andalusian music in the background. The friend "Polish" speaking with Professor English, asked the waitress to translate the usual Tonteri and finally the open chat with "Kyoto" and she talked about what we do in a week across the world.
Yesterday I saw for the umpteenth time the movie Ramb or (first episode), the only difference being the language. As often happens here in Spain, the film titles have "invented" as in Italy. Rambo here is called " Acorralado "or" arm. " Another film completely translated in my" random "is Die Hard with Bruce Willis, last year when he released the fourth episode in the film took me a while to understand that film was " Jungle" (The Jungle) ..
finally ended with the annual GOTOMPO. This year, unusually, there were two activities within a week. Gotompo A 12-hour and the traditional 24 hours.
Por fin if the quotes ANNUAL Acaba con el Gotompo. Este año, de estraordinaria form, if you have a retomado antigua Tradición asocición or sea el de la Gotompo mayores de 12 horas de lo de a 24.
gotompo The 12 hours is an exercise that is long since you brought into the association prefers to concentrate on the participation of 24 hours.
Many people who do not ask me what the association and what is Gotompo. E'abbastanza difficult to answer this question, but it can be said that the prince Gotompo is the activity, the conclusion and entry into practice of a year of training. GO ago marine biotoxins to the 5 elements: earth, water, fire, air, vacuum and what we claim is that the practitioner during the activity steps for each of these phases are Physicists and mentality to stati dell'essere umano. Il Gotompo with a Esercizio poche parole è di autoconoscimento. Go
often enough people who are not of our association to ask us something about Gotompo. It is quite difficult to answer this question but if you can say that the Gotompo is the activity par excellence, that is the activity that concludes a year of training. GO refers to 5 elements: earth, water, fire, air and vacuum, and the aim is that in the gotompo the practitioner through each of these phases also cataterizan states of the body and the human mind. The Gotompo in exercises of realities is a Autoconer.
Keii dimostrazione è di fine anno dell 'associazione Collado dove i gruppi di tutte Valladolid ed in generale sono dell'associazione invitatio a partecipare. Come l'anno scorso si è tenuto il Keii paesetto nel di Santovenia, vicinissimo to Valladolid.
Also this year has had the Keii, the year-end exibiciàon association Collado. All groups are we invited to partecipate doing some exhibition.
Quest'anno partecipato ho di gruppo alla dimostrazione of Iaido (= Tagliare estraendo, arte della spada) and the University gruppo.
This year I have taken part in the group exhibition Iaido (Steep de la espada japonesa) ya a exibición grupo de Ninjutsu the university.
Here are the latest phases of the exhibition with Katana: Aqui the last part of the exibición with Katana
Do not you think there is something wrong with these pictures? ¿No os Parece que hay algo en estas fotos rare?
In the following the show with Xavier rokushaku bo (stick from 1.80 to 1.60) for a Bokken (wooden sword). Aqui de exibición the Bokken (espada de madera) against rokushaku Bo (baston de madera de 1.80 to 1.60). Mi compañero es el otro Xavier Italian entrenado que en España este año conmigo.
Yesterday it released the iPhone in Japan, of course the highly anticipated event has mobilized a lot of Japanese. Ever since the night before has formed a long line in front of the main store in Harajuku in Tokyo Softbamk. Although this store is able to sell the iPhone in a 200 man-hours a warning sign in the middle of the column who will have to wait more than a day to buy the new phone.
here a CNN with the participation of Danny Choo (one dressed as a clone star wars ..)
Japanese to say OK, all right do so: Japanese people do it for say OK
is used mainly for remote signaling and cross their arms has the meaning that is exactly the opposite '"it has cagado. They use it for long distance, cross-arms just the haves Contrary meaning.
Fine photos of Rita, my Italian friend recently married to a Spaniard. And the nice party at his house, thanks for inviting me! kisses
I really enjoyed seeing an article in a post on the color of traffic lights in Japan. He is the first time because I crossed a traffic Yuka she said, "we cross that is blue." The light was clearly "Green" as you can see in this picture.
ancient times there was no concept of green in Japanese, was used 青 ao = Blue = green for things such as those in light blue. Later s'introdusse the concept of Green = = 绿 midori. However, even the existing two words you continue to use ao = blue for a few things clear (to us) green, for example ao ringo (apple "blue"), ao shingo (traffic lights 'blue'), ao na (vegetables " blue ")
About the traffic lights seems that the original color of traffic lights is green (绿 midori =) as the first traffic light installed in 1930 en Hibiya, Law said," You can cross the cuando light changes to midori (green) "but people began to call the light ao (blue) in everyday language. After the war finally decided to change the law instead of inserting midori (green) to (azzurro).
(female voice) I still believe in your eyes; I just do not care what you Have done in your life. Baby I'll always be here by your side; Do not leave me waiting too long, please come by! I, i, i, i still believe in your eyes; There is no choice, I belong to your life. Because I will live to love you someday; You'll be my baby and we'll fly away And I'll fly with you, I'll fly with you, (x2) You are, are, are, are, are, are (x3)
(male voice) Every day and every night, I always dream that you are by my side. Oh, baby, every day and every night, Well I said everything's gonna be alright. And I'll fly with you (x3) You are, are, are, are, are, are (x2)
(female voice) Dream of me! I still believe in your eyes; I just don't care what You've done in your life. Baby I'll always be here by your side; Don't leave me waiting too long, Please come by! I, i, i, i still believe in your eyes; There is no choice, I belong to your life. Because I will live to love you some day; You'll be my baby and we'll fly away And I'll fly with you (x3)
(male voice) Every day and every night, I always dream that You are by my side. Oh, baby, every day and every night, Well I said everything's gonna be alright. And i'll fly with you, I'll fly with you (x2) You are, are, are, are, are, are (x2)
I recently finished watching the anime of Nodame Cantabile, the story of a nerd and an aspiring pianist, conductor. It 's a comedy anime that I liked the mix of comedy and classical music. Here I propose two videos taken from the drama that still have not seen but again the same absurd scenes of the soul (the fact that carried with persone sia poi rende scene completely irreali alcuna)
In Japan, there "fantasy" with the flavors that Spain can not be found. flavors of melon, grapes, grapefruit, peach and now have gone out with the taste of pineapple. (We fanta fanta orange and lemon ... now we do not usually watch fanta lemon ...) And recently Fanta Orange has left jellies! Before opening the can be cooled well. Then just before drinking, shake well. is the first time I drank soft drink with jelly! But I like it. It's good!! When you come to Japan, why not drink fanta alugna with new flavors?
Mi ero di non mettere altri video di questo Spagnoli generate ... beh non ci sono riuscito. A few days of vacation in Comillas-stage with the group of Ninjutsu I leave this latest gem (gem?) Of the English rhythm. The scenario you already know, huge cups of beer (chasis) Calimoxo (read Calimocho), and many people in jeans and T-shirts on the street ...
Let's see if the video failed to recognize a bit 'of the famous spaninglish, type: The Freak Brothers Mickel Jackson
A week ago or so has been taken in the new edition ETSII Robola. The good thing is that it is right next to the lab where I work so when I went out for coffee I've taken some photos of the competition and the high crawlers! Circa
all'Universitá a settimana fa lavoro dove c'e 'stata Robola the gara tra le da vari costruite macchinine Istituti tecnici e Università di Spagna. Le gare sono due, crawlers fondamentale che Devon ported to finish a manner Percorso tracciata seguendo a line Suolo nel minor tempo possibile nel and most dove il the robots must push off the platform. As the event becomes a part of my workshop, I took some pictures during the coffee break.
In Spain, especially in the summer or festivals, it is very common to see a English drink from Porrona. El porrón is still a glass which usually includes beer, wine or calimoxo (mix cola and wine) Here's a typical summer evening in a porroneria of Valladolid.
Pues chicos aqui a photo with Yuka Verano Pasado y John's rock. Yuka as this summer will be in the fiesta of Tordesillas there if there is beer to drink! Now that you enjoy this photo in which Johnny seems to be singing his love for the beloved country with his heart in his hand. : P
from left to right: Paul, Yuka, Juan
Paul and I. ..
And now an exhibition of Yuka with the jug. And it was the first time, these Japanese ... l'Esibizione Ed ecco il di Yuka with tufted, my Lascia esterrefatto io non posso much!
The first order of Carme Chacon, the ritual phrase in the revision of the English armed forces. It 's the first woman (Catalana!) Minister of Defense, as if not enough is 7 months pregnant! The images make you smile but stresses the fact that the government "Rosa" Zapatero is a modern and reformist government. (We like our short no!:)) ( Original article here)
"Capitán, Mande firmes. Digan conmigo: Viva Spain and live the King. "
Come ieri Zapatero is non bastasse if Berlusconi congratulated the governo per il ritorno, non Giuseppe Berlusconi nel fare un commento trattenersi the pink governo Zapatero commented Avra \u200b\u200bproblemi che tenere insieme a donne tant.
.. considered conservative politician José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, "will have difficulty in governing," as many ministers. However, he would be "a government to monitor" because women are "attentive" to the needs of society. (Articolo WORLD)
Well it seems to me that we have more years of the republic governments that obviously we are very reliable to the Government ...
After 60 years ends the reign of the emperors of the first republic. The post-communist post-yi Democrats end up being not only the protagonists but also of being the minority parties in large coalitions. The sinking of the Left Arcoiris caused the resignation of its leader Fausto Bertinotti. Elections suppose even the defeat of the crucial third force of the 70 and 80, the Italian Socialist Party: only 1% of the vote. Even its leader, Enrico Boselli, has resigned and his party has become the second victim of the day. Meanwhile, the preferred option of the Italian bishops, the Catholic and centrist Pierdinando Casini, it survives, will continue in parliament but will have a maximum of two senators. Definitely