- childlike faith in the vision and insight of the publishing house said: "Hi, I wrote a fantasy novel, beautiful, I know that you will not escape the opportunity to have me among your securities "
... nisba
- Moderate explicit desire to be published:" Hi I wrote a fantasy novel that looks very interesting, and I'd publish it, are you interested? "
... Nisba
- huge admiration for the publishing house to which X was offered the book: "Hi, you have always been my favorite publisher, I also bought shares, and have all your books ... I would very honored if you would publish my fantasy novel ... ...
But just as I was thinking of upgrading to the demands accompanied by tender of performance, here is a small publishing house and I found the book offers publication!
... sure, there is a downside: the publication I have to pay me, or at least in part!
HO lucubrate about 15 minutes on the immorality of this system, which rather than promote and encourage emerging writers hassled them frustrating conditions, by clipping the sacred fire of their calling, and making them feel the gap in respect of the great writers award (and often unnecessarily) promoted, and I concluded that ... 'STI COCKS , PAGO! I WANT TO SEE THE NOVEL IN THE FLESH!
And then, after a painful and adrenaline official presentation, small and informal, but warmed by the presence or remotely close to all my friends ... The voice of Meil'ar has finally come true!
Opppssss ... tips for shopping, see you in a minute!
Are you tired of fantasy? You mean just the usual scrambled Wizards by lightning-shaped scar on his forehead? The troisi you split the melon? Want to read something that Tolkien himself would have liked to have written?
Buy THE VOICE OF MEIL'AR, new, phantasmagorical, indescribable fantasy novel
Do you find this custom in all libraries, barns or in the library, or online
buzz ... are you going to ask the author to earnestly follow !!!!!
I'm back .... obviously joking: I am a big fan of Harry Potter, I'm reading the second saga of Troisi, and I hope that the distinguished maestro Tolkien did not rob me from beyond the capacity of write ...
... but the purchase details are all true!
So, friends of Miss Grumbler, help me to become famous, not rich, but I do not care ... famous I'd like a mess!
Miss Grumbler